Prednisone can lead to development of diabetes or worsening of existing diabetes by increasing blood sugar. This effect seemed more profound in higher doses and longer duration of prednisone therapy. Prednisone can cause diabetic coma as well as fatality when the increase in sugar is uncontrolled. Blood sugar monitoring is recommended for patients on prednisone therapy to prevent this side effect of prednisone.
Prednisone Side Effects

Another side effect of prednisone is changes in the body cholesterol. Prednisone increases the bad cholesterol and decresase the good one. In instances where patient develop changes in their cholesterol, diet and exercise might help. Also reducing the dose of presnisone can reverse the negative effects of prednisone.

Prednisone causes increase in loss of potassium from the body, thus leaving the body with less potassium than is optimal. This side effect of prednisone tends to be less when the dose is decreased. Low potassium can also be treated with potassium supplements under the guidance of a prescribing doctor.

Long term use and higher doses of prednisone can affect  growth, especially in children. This occurs because prednisone causes a reduction in growth hormones, as well as causes the body to be less receptive to existing growth hormones. Long-term use and high doses are not recommended in children unless the benefitis of the medication outweigh the risks.

This is a conditon that is characterized by redistribution of fat in the body leading to such as generalized upper body obesity, moon face (rounding and fattening of the face), and buffalo hump (depositing of fat between the shoulders, causing a hump). Cushings syndrome can also cause extreme fatigue and weakened muscles. Some patient may lose fluids through an increase in their urination, leading to excessive thirst. Prednisone can also cause mental disturbances such as depression and anxiety, and these also make up Cushings Syndrome. This side effect of prednisone resolves withing months after prednisone is stopped.